GO! with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Volume 1 by Shelley Gaskin, Alicia Vargas
GO! with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Volume 1 by Shelley Gaskin, Alicia Vargas PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Written for a diverse audience (all ages, different educational backgrounds, varying educational goals), this book allows for self-paced or online learning. The primary goal of GO! Series: Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Volume 1 is to teach Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 quickly and easily, with an approach that is based on clearly-defined projects. A key feature of the book is the use of Microsoft procedural syntax: steps begin with where the action is to take place, followed by the action itself. The instruction is error-free, clearly written, and logically arranged. This book provides users with the skills to solve business problems using the computer as a tool. Volume 1 covers the following topics: getting started with PowerPoint; creating a presentation; formatting a presentation; enhancing presentations with graphic elements; advanced presentation graphic techniques; and delivering a presentation. An efficient and handy guide for anyone who needs a good working knowledge of PowerPoint 2003.
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