Rabu, 08 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Executive Functioning Workbook by Melissa Mullin Ph.D, Karen Fried Psy.D

Executive Functioning Workbook by Melissa Mullin Ph.D, Karen Fried Psy.D

Executive Functioning Workbook

Executive Functioning Workbook by Melissa Mullin Ph.D, Karen Fried Psy.D PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Many students struggle with organization, planning, completing homework, and creating an effective study routine. School seems more challenging for them than their peers. These children may be labeled as disorganized, absent-minded, scattered, or forgetful by teachers, when in reality the issue is underdeveloped executive function – a skill, like any other, that can be taught!

This EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING WORKBOOK increases student’s ability to plan, start, and finish work independently. It identifies student’s aims and challenges, builds thinking skills, and provides tools to help build organizational strategies.

  • Judging time accurately
  • Building "Working Memory"
  • Breaking down complex projects into manageable, orderly tasks
  • Correctly estimating how long tasks will take
  • Starting, stopping, and changing activities

This Executive Functioning Workbook is the first subject-matter book geared toward the STUDENT – providing worksheets and advice for students to develop and improve their Executive Functioning skills.

The step-by-step worksheets and checklists designed by educational experts Melissa Mullin Ph.D. and Karen Fried PsyD MFT are the results of over 20 years of helping students succeed in school. Parenting and teaching solutions utilize student’s strengths and weaknesses help build organization and establish a schedule that works.

The Executive Functioning Workbook provides easy to follow, hands-on guidance and support to help students organize, plan, and follow through on tasks.

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