Sabtu, 14 November 2015

PDF⋙ Its Day Being Gone (National Poetry Series) by Rose McLarney

Its Day Being Gone (National Poetry Series) by Rose McLarney

Its Day Being Gone (National Poetry Series)

Its Day Being Gone (National Poetry Series) by Rose McLarney PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Selected as a winner of the National Poetry Series by Robert Wrigley

Rose McLarney has won acclaim for image-rich poems that explore her native southern Appalachia and those who love and live and lose on it. Her second collection broadens these investigations in poems that examine the shape-shifting quality of memory, as seen in folktales that have traveled across oceans and through centuries, and in how we form recollections of our own lives. An opening sequence presents contemporary ghost stories:  men who gather at dawn in the gas station parking lots of small towns; the mountain lion that paces the edge of a receding tree line. A middle section draws connections between Appalachia and Latin America, places that share qualities of biological and cultural richness—places that are threatened by modernization. A final sequence retells the stories of earlier poems, posing questions about how we construct our landscapes and frame our views.

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